This week has proven to me that we are a society of relentless, and heartless objects. When God formed man, and breathed life into him, and smiled, because it was good, he knew what was to come...and so I wonder why he continued. We are truly an example of evolution...Let me explain. God made man in HIS image and likeness. When this was not yet enough, he took a bone from the man, and not just any old bone, but the one that was closest to the man's heart...and made a woman. So now we have a man, and a woman, both made in the image and likeness of God... So...they were perfect. We know what happened from there. A cunning and sharp speaking reptile lured the young and naive young woman, and so the story goes...But even then, the two knew what they did, and when called, they came out from their hiding place and said..HERE I AM LORD, I WAS HIDING, I WAS AFRAID.
Fast Forward a bit... things got to be so bad, God had enough with the ones he had created, and was ready to get rid of them completely...but there was a man. The man was good. He spared this man, his wife, his sons, and their wives...and a whole mess of animals... and then got rid of the rest of the bad seeds. He made a promise to the man, Noah, that he wouldn't do anything like this again. He even went so far as to say, every time you see a rainbow that is me renewing my promise to you. (Unfortunate what some have done to the rainbow!)He told Noah to go forth and multiply...which he did obviously...
Ok! Now, here we are in 2009 and I gotta say, I can only imagine what is going on up there. The conversations that must be bouncing back and forth between Noah and God at this point would be fascinating to listen to. "Uh, God, I really think they could use some rain right about now if ya know what I'm saying, wink wink!"
At the beginning of this article I called us objects, because it is almost impossible to think of us as humans anymore. Especially when I read the news today. This morning a man in Miami went into a home and killed 4 other people before returning home, and setting his truck and home on fire killing himself. Apparently this murder/suicide had to do with a divorce gone wrong. Murder, Suicide, Divorce... He did not run out of the bushes when God called, instead, he just killed himself...
in Alabama on March 10th, ten died as a gunman went from house to house on a killing spree...it too also ended in suicide. This is such a tragic story. An officer that was called out to work the case, actually lost a wife and child in one of the homes. He is left with a 4 month old that will never know her mother.
Also on the 10th, in Germany, a Teenager went into a high school and killed 9 students,3 teachers, and one passerby and himself. The murder was so unexpected that some children still had their pencils in their hands.
This is not the image of God... We have transformed, evolved, even, into objects of mass destruction. Perhaps not everyone. Perhaps not to that degree. But we are a world of disillusion. Completely indifferent to the needs and concerns of those around us.
Ok! Now, here we are in 2009 and I gotta say, I can only imagine what is going on up there. The conversations that must be bouncing back and forth between Noah and God at this point would be fascinating to listen to. "Uh, God, I really think they could use some rain right about now if ya know what I'm saying, wink wink!"
At the beginning of this article I called us objects, because it is almost impossible to think of us as humans anymore. Especially when I read the news today. This morning a man in Miami went into a home and killed 4 other people before returning home, and setting his truck and home on fire killing himself. Apparently this murder/suicide had to do with a divorce gone wrong. Murder, Suicide, Divorce... He did not run out of the bushes when God called, instead, he just killed himself...
in Alabama on March 10th, ten died as a gunman went from house to house on a killing spree...it too also ended in suicide. This is such a tragic story. An officer that was called out to work the case, actually lost a wife and child in one of the homes. He is left with a 4 month old that will never know her mother.
Also on the 10th, in Germany, a Teenager went into a high school and killed 9 students,3 teachers, and one passerby and himself. The murder was so unexpected that some children still had their pencils in their hands.
This is not the image of God... We have transformed, evolved, even, into objects of mass destruction. Perhaps not everyone. Perhaps not to that degree. But we are a world of disillusion. Completely indifferent to the needs and concerns of those around us.
This has me thinking about that conversation that may or may not be going on between Noah and God right about now. You see, If I was in charge, I would start building a boat. It is time for a clean slate. So stop the world, I wanna get off! Wake up. Is their oil in your lamp? Or have you let yours burn out? Think about it...