Well, it seems as though the deplorable comments made, by Richard Williamson whose excommunication was lifted last week, about there being no gas chambers were not made only 20 years ago. Apparently Mr. Williamson told the Swedish press ONE WEEK AGO that instead of 6 million Jewish people losing their lives, it was more like 300,000. Oh, and there was really no gas chamber either. Now, knowing that this was completely moronic, dare I say? Our Holy Father addressed the situation when he spoke to his audience on Wednesday. Recalling his visit to the Auschwitz death camp in 2006, Benedict condemned the "pitiless killing of millions of Jews, innocent victims of blind racial and religious hatred". (reuters) Benedict expressed whole heartily his "solidarity and affection" with his Jewish brothers and tried to remind them of the power of hate can do to man's heart: "I hope the memory of the Shoah will induce humanity to reflect on the unpredictable power of hate when it conquers the heart of man." Shoah is the Hebrew word for the Holocaust.Despite trying to heal the rend, the Jewish leaders did not think it was enough, and our church officials said that we addressed it quite nicely thank you very much.
"We still want to be reassured that the views that Williamson expressed have no place in the Church," said Rabbi David Rosen, head of inter-religious dialogue for the American Jewish Committee.
um...What part of "I hope the memory of the Shoah will induce humanity to reflect on the unpredictable power of hate when it conquers the heart of man." did you not understand?
They want the Vatican to have Williamson renounce his statements.
I wonder how many Jewish people know someone Catholic that voted for our president? Is there not a holocaust, a "shoah" if you will, happening right here in our own back yard? Now granted, but unfortunately, all of those people that voted for that president, well, they deny the holocaust. Kind of makes you wonder doesn't it?
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