Senator Judd Gregg (R-NH) withdrew his bid as Commerce Secretary yesterday, citing differences with the Economic Stimulus bill. He has been quoted as saying that he was "concerned that the White House was going to try to take control of the US census by moving it from Commerce dept to White House." His withdraw was a surprise to many, considering he was Obama's choice for Commerce Secretary. Sen. John MC Cain said that Sen. Judd Gregg was one of the most knowledgeable in the Senate, and was glad to have him back.
The idea of moving the census to the white from the Commerce Dept, where it has always is been, "Is very bad!" Sen McCain said.
This "economic" Stimulus bill passed Senate with no help from the Republicans. I saw this bill last night. When stacked it was about a foot and half tall. Seriously, who read that??? Some of the things that were stuck into that bill is sneaky and conniving, but hey, look who we are talking about...
But the whole world is still all about this guy, I am so amazed. Well you won't be when he is in charge of your medical decisions (Universal Health care Plan, It was in there!)Another fun fact, $335,000,000 for sexually transmitted disease. Well that is employing who?
So, there you have it. Another sneaky little move by the higher ups. Unfortunately, your Democratic house read their 1,434 not so stimulating stimulus bill without even the slightest idea of what they were signing.They only had until 9 am. No restroom breaks for them!
Rest easy America. Your in Good Hands.

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