Noooooo she didn't have plastic surgery..."she is so not in that place"
Ok, I don't have too much say. I really feel as though this picture might say it all. I do however want to pose a question to the mohthers in world who lovingly accept children as God decides. Here it is...
IS THIS LADY NUTS OR WHAT?? I don't mean to be completely insensitive, but she was thinking only of herself when she said YES, not to God, but to Doctor "fill'r up"! She has at this time 3, yes that is correct, 3 children with disabilities at the moment. So, 50% of the current children residing at home need special attention, that she will be unable to give. Then, you add the fact that premies have a 20%-80% chance of cerebral palsy, her odds are really stacking...AND NO INCOME!!!"But I will provide for them when I graduate and get a job!" I am thinking with 14 children, even with a psychologist's salary she will struggle. I don't know, with the way this world is right now, our world is going down the flusher. I feel sorry for those babies.

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